2016-03-15 Product news
Count on Alfa Laval at Asia Pacific Maritime 2016
Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) 2016, one of Asia’s biggest exhibitions and conferences, will return in its 14th edition, taking place 16-18 March at Sands Expo in Singapore. Visitors to Hall A, Stand No. A-R26, will find Alfa Laval with big news in ballast water treatment, along with exciting developments for new fuels, exhaust gas cleaning and more.
In APM, Alfa Laval’s experts will gather and share their insights and experience on addressing present and forthcoming environmental challenges in Marine industry. With years of experience as a marine solutions provider, Alfa Laval is quantified as the reliable partner to be counted on especially for meeting legislation, adapting to new fuels, reducing costs and optimizing equipment over the long term.
Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1: New reactor for Alfa Laval PureBallast means opportunities for smaller vessels
The proven capabilities of Alfa Laval PureBallast – which include operation in fresh, brackish or marine water and in low-clarity water with just 42% UV transmittance – are now available to significantly smaller vessels. Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, can now be used in systems for flows of 87 m3/h.
A variety of vessel types, including offshore supply vessels, will benefit from the extended PureBallast flow range. The lower capacities are enabled by a new reactor, optimized for system sizes from 170 m3/h down to 87 m3/h.
“Lower flow rates will make PureBallast accessible to smaller vessels, whose quality and performance needs mirror the needs of larger vessels,” says Stephen Westerling Greer, Global Business Manager for PureBallast. “In some cases, as in the offshore industry, small vessel needs can be all the more extreme.”
Witness the first appearance of PureBallast 3.1 in Singapore, only at Alfa Laval Stand.
Alfa Laval Touch Control for boilers: the forefront of boiler control
With its clear graphical overview and uniquely intuitive two-touch navigation, Alfa Laval Touch Control is the new standard of control for marine boilers. Durable, flexible and future-proof, this PLC-based control technology allows faster and easier navigation, more efficient operation and a range of ways to optimize boiler plant operation. The touchscreen interface, which is being rolled out for both new and existing Alfa Laval Aalborg boilers, will be on hand for participants to experience.
Service offerings: extending performance with Alfa Laval
Service is a vital part of any marine solution, and participants will have the possibility to explore both new and existing offerings for extending equipment performance. Alfa Laval’s 360° Service Portfolio contains services and solutions for every aspect of your equipment and its life cycle. Among them are solutions that help customers adapt to changing drivers and regulations, including ways for existing equipment to benefit from new R&D.
Events and further information
Throughout the exhibition, Alfa Laval experts will be present to discuss key systems and new product developments. During a number of topical events in the stand, they will also explore today’s pressing industry challenges and show how Alfa Laval is at the forefront of meeting them.
Details of events and other developments will be posted on Alfa Laval’s APM event site. To learn more – please visit www.alfalaval.sg/about-us/events/apm-2016
For further information, please contact:
Zay Aw
Communications Manager,
Southeast Asia
Mobile +60 17 3699 628
Editor’s notes
About Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.
The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.
Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, in oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.
Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena.
Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2014, posted annual sales of about SEK 35.1 billion (approx. 3.85 billion Euros). The company has about 18 000 employees.
About Alfa Laval Marine
Alfa Laval can be found on most ships and in most power plants worldwide, at work with a wide variety of applications and processes. As a truly global supplier with a full network of service and support, we provide strong technical competence in the following areas: separation, filtration, fuel conditioning, heating and cooling, desalination, ballast water treatment, tank cleaning, inert gas generation, steam generation, waste heat recovery, oily waste reduction, cargo pumping and exhaust gas cleaning.
Within these areas, we focus our product development not only on new solutions, but also on making proven solutions simpler, more reliable and more economical. In this way, we demonstrate ongoing application leadership. Likewise, we make progress for the future, pioneering technologies that reflect our environmental focus and serve the industry’s changing business needs.